OK, I gotta get this out into the open and since I know very few people ever read this page I may as well get this out into the open here.
I went to a
Festival today. I had a ton of fun and have to edit and crop about 25-27 pics, some of which I may submit to a contest.
Well imagine my surprise when I saw protestors on my way out. Now what were the protesting, the belief that this fest was promoting paganism and witchcraft. Yes, the "Taliban Wing" of the GOP found something else to complain about.
Well I got to thinking that there are many more pressing issues that these people could be putting time into; poverty, environmental destruction, and America's Imperial Aims. But these issues can't be reduced to "sound bites" and may mean confronting issues and asking questions.
OK--rant over. Pics coming--well--when I get around to it. . .