One Day My Mind Opened Up

Monday, January 30, 2006
  Taking To The Streets
Ever notice how one idea can lead to another.

I read an article on-line a few days ago about a vehicle called a "Velomobile" (think of a cross between a bicycle and a car).

I had the notion of seeing if I could get some local businesses to pay for said vehicle in exchange for selling ad space.

Well, I realized that there may be other issues that are involved in doing this. But why can't I just simply try to ride my bike more.

I figure one thing to start with is figure out where I go in a typical week and see what trips are within 2-10 miles of my home(I can cover about 15 miles in an hour on my bicycle).

Might be fun and a cool way to get some exercise.
Saturday, January 28, 2006
  This Should Surprise Nobody
Especially those who know me fairly well.

You scored as Old School Democrat.

Old school Democrats emphasize economic justice and opportunity. The Democratic ideal is best summarized by the Four Freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear.
What's Your Political Philosophy?
created with
Thursday, January 26, 2006
  I Can Buy Into This. . .

You Are Wind

Strong and overpowering

A force to be reckoned with, no one dares cross you

You have the power to change everything around you

You are best known for: your wrath

Your dominant state: commanding

What Type of Weather Are You?
Sunday, January 22, 2006
  Another Blogthing

You Are a Hunter Soul
You are driven and ambitious - totally self motiviated to succeed
Actively working to acheive what you want, you are skillful in many areas.
You are a natural predator with strong instincts ... and more than a little demanding.
You are creative, energetic, and an extremely powerful force.

An outdoors person, you like animals and relate to them better than people.
You tend to have an explosive personality, but also a good sense of humor.
People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all.
You tend to be a bit of a loner, though you hate to be alone.

Souls you are most compatible with: Seeker Soul and Peacemaker Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You?
Saturday, January 21, 2006
  Martial Muscle--Or Body By Aiki?
Sometimes the answer to a problem is right under your nose--literally.

I stepped outta the shower yesterday and took a good look at myself and realized that I'm getting a bit--skinny! Only I would have the opposite problem of about 2/3 of the population. Only proves how unusual I am.

Now I'm not the skeleton I was when I was a plasma donor, and I haven't given a drop of plasma since 2003. I have no idea why, it's not like I'm not eating.

So I'm racking my brain on how I can do some strength work that doesn't require any equipment. And it comes to me--the "conditioning set" that we begin each Aikido class with.

This is not an easy set of exercises at all. It's focused mainly on the "core muscles" that we use in the class; stomach, back, and legs, and includes some unique exercises.

So I figure, "why not". I'll get in shape and be able to perform my aiki better.

Anyhow, ever see the kinda shape martial artists are in (well, save for Sumo Wrestlers)
Saturday, January 14, 2006
  Can I Build It?
I was looking for collapsable screens to divide my apartment and I'm beginning to think that I may be better off trying to BUILD the screens using shutters and long hinges.

It may be cheaper and a lot more fun--of course, it will also be a lot tougher as I'd need to borrow or buy a drill to drill the hinges.

I could also see what I can find 2nd hand or look at some other means of dividing up the room.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
  Changes Made?
My Aunt had put the "decorating bug" in my head again. And I'm thinking I may as well look at doing some re-decorating for the spring.

The basic idea is two-fold. To maybe create the idea of "rooms" by using dividers (panels) and making it so I don't live at my desk.

I also have the problem of needing my computer to be near the phone so I can connect to the 'net.

I may start working on this a bit once the weather warms up a bit and things slow down at RGIS.

I can at least take measurements of the apartment and the furniture.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
  Farewell Red Dog
A little less the 4 years ago (July 2002 to be exact), I rejoined the work force as an employee of FedEx Ground. For my training I was assigned to a gentleman who everyone called "Red Dog".

I figured it was a reference to the beer, but it was actually a play on his name.

Over the next few weeks, I learned the ropes of the world of Induction Quality Assurance, but felt that I was one day away from being fired.

"Red Dog" saw something in me, and I believe managed to convince the supervisor that I was simply in over my head. So I was moved to a less intense area.

I'd speak to "Red Dog" on breaks still, and found out about his many adventures. His latest was learning computer networking.

And this may have lead to him finding work and leaving FedEx Ground. Without saying good-bye.

Well, Good-Bye and good luck "Red Dog". Hopefully I'll be following you out the door soon too;)
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
  A Simple Little Poem?
Ever have a song or something of that nature kinda grow on you.

I think that's what's happening with Fireflies In a Jar.

For the uninitiated, or just those new to the page this is a poem that I ended up e-mailing to my sister to deal with a tragedy.

The poem itself is inspired by a song that I heard on the radio in the car I had to rent while my old Taurus got totalled:(.

The song reminded me of my summers where a couple and their children would visit relatives and the kids would join our little neighborhood posse.

And maybe that's why it seems so well recieved. Reminds folks of their childhoods; when any dream was possible and the world was simple and safe.

Of course--who says any dream isn't possible. . .
Sunday, January 01, 2006
  Another Year Over
Well, another year is on the books for me.

I guess if I had to give 2005 a theme, it would be Survivor. In more ways than one.

I managed to "Outlast, outwit and outdo".

I outlasted a lot of difficulties; my computer needing a new motherboard and needing a new car.

I outwitted financial difficulties, I saw things coming and adjusted to deal.

And I outdid myself in the case of creating a poem to help my sister heal from a loss.

So what's up for '06.

Wait and see. . .
A Look at a programmer's quest to get back into the IT field.


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