Farewell Red Dog
A little less the 4 years ago (July 2002 to be exact), I rejoined the work force as an employee of FedEx Ground. For my training I was assigned to a gentleman who everyone called "Red Dog".
I figured it was a reference to the beer, but it was actually a play on his name.
Over the next few weeks, I learned the ropes of the world of Induction Quality Assurance, but felt that I was one day away from being fired.
"Red Dog" saw something in me, and I believe managed to convince the supervisor that I was simply in over my head. So I was moved to a less intense area.
I'd speak to "Red Dog" on breaks still, and found out about his many adventures. His latest was learning computer networking.
And this may have lead to him finding work and leaving FedEx Ground. Without saying good-bye.
Well, Good-Bye and good luck "Red Dog". Hopefully I'll be following you out the door soon too;)