Hoping against hope?
Well, my grand computer experiment is a conditional flop:(
My brother got busy the days before his nephew's birthday and never got around to downloading the program he needed to view my on-line card. So my card is trapped in a limbo of sorts.
Needless to say I left the party with a serious case of egg on the face, not only from likely appearing to be a cheapskate for not buying a gift (though the time I put into the card would likely be $15-20), but also for kind of leaving in a huff.
Now my Brother did say he would call to get everything up and running--but as of now I'm willing to simply wipe the egg off my face and move on:(
But is all lost? He may call and get what he needs, or he may be able to figure out what needs to be done. Of course, I'm sure his place of employment has an IT department.
But I did learn something useful and cool from this, and I may try other uses of these new tools.