Worlds Apart.
You know, once in awhile, something happens that reminds you that the Internet can be a way to bring people and ideas together that even ten years ago would have been impossible.
This tale begins with me just surfing around the web and alighting on the web page of a young artist from Belgium. Somehow
one of her drawings became the inspiration for a
Small problem, so it seemed. I kinda linked to the picture without asking first:( A day later, my conscience got the better of me and I decided to e-mail her about what I had done. I figured either she'd like it or I'd simply have to unlink the picture.
Well--she liked the poem:) I even asked her to peruse some of my work and see if maybe anything I've written can inspire her!
Amazing, that two people from different countries and different worlds could link up. Maybe art is a "universal language" too:)