From The 9th Circle
Just thought you'd wanna know how my "Week from hell" went.
Other than not being able to update any of my sites or do a job search, it went pretty well. I got a decent amount of sleep the whole week and managed to back burner some thoughts.
London Calling My sympathies are with the people of London, who went from extasy to agony in a day.
I do think the city will put on a wonderful games. There's enough mythology to do an opening ceremony that could last a week. Some of the venues will be awesome; Soccer and track at Wembley, Rowing on the Thames, Tennis at Wimbledon, cycling on the streets of London.
Not that Paris, Madrid or NYC wouldn't have put on a great games too.
Other Ideas I do think Paris, Madrid and NYC should try again for 2016 or 2020, but there are a few other places I'd like to see make a bid:
USA: Chicago/St. Louis (joint bid), Miami, Seattle.
Canada: Vancouver, Calgary (1st cities to host BOTH games)
Europe: Rome, Berlin
Australia: Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane
S. America: Rio or Sao Paulo.
Answering Calls At FedEx this week, I found myself doing a lot of different jobs. Got me to thinking that people never know what they'll need to do when.
The passengers of Flight 93 never intended to become soldiers. Ghandi was a lawyer. Paul Wellstone was a professor.
But when the situation called for it--they did what they had to.