One Day My Mind Opened Up
Home Comes Home
Well, I once again played host to my sisters, but this time it was one of the twins and my youngest sister. We also joined my parents who were competing in the Keystone State Games.
It was fun, we went to Chocolate World (Hershey's visitors center), and I took them to a local coffeehouse. We also went to church, grocery shopping and hung around my apartment.
My parents didn't do all that bad either. My dad took a silver in what was a tough field of oldsters:) My mom didn't medal, but she had fun.
I also got to introduce my family to a co-worker.
Also, I found a path behind my complex that leads to a place that looks like another world.
I'll post pics of that next weekend:)
Well, I managed to get my Java Project back on track!
What was weird was that once I got finished with that I saw the Space Shuttle flawlessly return to space.
And I got to thinking about the effort (though different by several powers) that we both needed to get ourselves back into the game.
We had to analyze problems and look deep to find solutions, we had to use a lot of our respective "tools" to get the job done as well.
More to come.
Quick Pics
Just a few quick pics for 'ya folks. Sorry they're a bit askew:(
A picture of me from when the #11 Car rolled in. 
National Aquarium in Baltimore=-1998

I just like this one. I took it in 1993 on a trip to Europe.
Toledo Spain--1993.
Got a lot on the plate.
To start with, I managed to used my "Programmers toolbox" to fix a program from a book and get it to work. I can now start my 1st "case study"; a prototype "local portal" for a new
media venture.
I also made some contact with a "Peace and Justice" paper about maybe doing a few articles for them. No reply yet though:(
Finally, got a call from a classmate who wants to do a reunion in 2008. But wants to start the planning now.
Fun and Games
Ever have an idea to do something that you just can't shake? One of mine is to create a computer game.
Well, I'm finally gonna give it a shot as a kind of "weekend project". Well it will actually be more of a "demo", as I want to see if I have a story and perhaps a tech demo.
The game has a title
Lost Chronicles Of Tierra, and will soon have a backstory and the first chapter.
I will likely be adding a section to my
portfolio on this.
From The 9th Circle
Just thought you'd wanna know how my "Week from hell" went.
Other than not being able to update any of my sites or do a job search, it went pretty well. I got a decent amount of sleep the whole week and managed to back burner some thoughts.
London Calling My sympathies are with the people of London, who went from extasy to agony in a day.
I do think the city will put on a wonderful games. There's enough mythology to do an opening ceremony that could last a week. Some of the venues will be awesome; Soccer and track at Wembley, Rowing on the Thames, Tennis at Wimbledon, cycling on the streets of London.
Not that Paris, Madrid or NYC wouldn't have put on a great games too.
Other Ideas I do think Paris, Madrid and NYC should try again for 2016 or 2020, but there are a few other places I'd like to see make a bid:
USA: Chicago/St. Louis (joint bid), Miami, Seattle.
Canada: Vancouver, Calgary (1st cities to host BOTH games)
Europe: Rome, Berlin
Australia: Sydney, Canberra, Brisbane
S. America: Rio or Sao Paulo.
Answering Calls At FedEx this week, I found myself doing a lot of different jobs. Got me to thinking that people never know what they'll need to do when.
The passengers of Flight 93 never intended to become soldiers. Ghandi was a lawyer. Paul Wellstone was a professor.
But when the situation called for it--they did what they had to.
The Week Of Doom?
There are cases where I realize why I'm working so hard at getting back into IT and back to 8A-5P hours.
This is gonna be a rough week for me; I have inventories Tuesday-Friday and my job at FedEx Ground after that.
Basically for the rest of the week I'll be getting up, going to inventories, grabbing quick lunches, and going to FedEx. There's a good chance that there'll be at least one 10PM-10:30PM shift at FedEx in there somewhere.
This is far from a normal life I lead. So my mission is to get back to "normal".
Of course, there aren't gonna be many opportunities this week to help get there.
Another one for the "Aikido as metaphor for life" file.
Last Saturday, something got our Sensei a bit more "fired up" than usual. From our conditioning drills to our techniques that day, there was this odd sense of energy that seemed to be radiating from Sensei.
Now for someone like me, who absorbs energy like a sponge, this was wonderful. I felt that day that my own training had a little extra "juice". As the week passed, I realized that the "juice" may have been little more than intent. I tried to bring that same intent to the class yesterday, and believe I may have done an OK job doing so.
And I realized that this intent is what drives people to act and think. My job search and programming may be two other cases of this kind of intent being put into action.
Like a book my Aunt's friend gave me said--"Your thoughts determine your actions".