The Power Within
In everyone
is a power
without any name.
It can rise to meet
a moment.
It can burn like a flame.
And you can be
than you'll ever know.
Don't let it go,
don't let it go.
Steve Winwood
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Romans 12-2
I think I'm still in the afterglow a bit from what happened with the poem my Sister asked for.
That and how I can actually see progress on my re-learning programming. I plan on adding UNIX and maybe even work on a game.
But I also still see some force powering me to do all of this. What it is, I have no clue. As a Christian, I'd call it "Holy Spirit". As a martial artist, I'd call it "ki". My aunt's friend would call it "spirit" or maybe "thought".
And I've seen it in others; when an athlete summons that "Little extra" (Sara Hughes at the '02 Olympics, Jeremy Rose at the Preakness this year, Dale Jr at Daytona in 2001), when a person creates something magical (Picasso, Da Vinci, Shakespeare) or when a person takes a stand (Martin Luther King Jr, "Deep Throat").
So why me? Why does it seem that this force has decided to come upon me? Has my determination and skill been rewarded, or have the forces that have been trying to stymie me finally decided to give it up and let me get on with my life.
And where will the force lead me? Am I maybe to find another calling? Or to somehow combine my skills into something the world has never seen before?
One of the sayings of AA, I believe, is "Trust the process". Maybe that's all I need to do.