Amazing how doors can seem to open up when one's mind opens up.
To begin with, I've put out four resumes. Each job would have merits.
The two local jobs would give me a chance to remain in Harrisburg, PA. Like it or not, I have some tendrils here; my work with Food Not Bombs and other activism, my aikido studies, and even my church attendance (I'm kind of an unoffical member of a church). Now the salaries may be an issue, but let's cross one bridge at a time.
One of other jobs would be in Ithaca, NY. I'd be doing web development, much of it with environmental sustainability. I've been in Ithaca as well, and with publications like
Utne Reader and
Vegetarian Times giving the city high marks, this seems like a place I may be comfortable in, there may even be a "Radical Chick" for me;) I'd also be near a college buddy and could even still get my NASCAR fix. Salary may be an issue and I'd have to delay the start as I'd need to tie up "loose ends" here.
The fourth job is interesting. It would be with FedEx Custom Critical, another arm of FedEx. Programming, so I'd be using my skills. And it would be close to my family. I could even see my alma mater play.
I also see jobs that I can't do just yet, but have skills I'm planning on acquiring.
I can see a world of possibilities. I just need to be careful that I don't get stars in my eyes.