One Day My Mind Opened Up
Stereotypes, Dharma, and All That Jazz
Yep! It's another case of "Draining the brain".
To start with; I had to admit to a co-worker my opposition to much of this current "War On Terror". And somehow the topic of stereotypes came up.
Now some of you may remember that this is the 2nd time this has come up. And my friend made a very interesting, and totally false (in my opinion) statement: "
Stereotypes are based on facts".
Well to me they aren't. They're usually based on trying to create a negative opinion about the target, and in many cases by a rival.
You don't suppose the stereotype of the NASCAR driver and fan as a "redneck" wasn't started by some folks from the "open-wheel" (F1, Indy Cars, Champ Cars) world. And the idea of opponents of this "War on Terror" as communist dupes, "Angry young people" or "Scenesters", wasn't a tool of the "War Media".
Now what's even odder is that both of these stereotypes I've mentioned have been shattered; the Daytona 500 was won by a driver from California, one of the top drivers is from Wisconsin, another has a degree in mathematics. As for the new "Anti-War" movement--one need only look at Cindy Sheehan.
Ok, I have a friend who's on Live Journal and he posted a quiz that stated that his "Ethical Philosophy" was the "Golden Rule".
My friend is also highly intelligent and stated that the principle is more Hindu. To which I replied, by e-mail, that it seemed more Bhuddist to me. My friend replied, correctly, that Sidharta likely picked that up from Hindi (which he was before Sidharta became enlightened).
Well it got me to thinking that a concept of reciprocity is common to almost all religions ("Rule of three" from Wicca, etc). And that leads me to continue to wonder if religion was developed as a moral framework for laws (as opposed to the other way around).
I kept hearing ads on the radio for a re-enactment (re-performance?) of a 1938 Benny Goodman concert. And it reminded me of one of the most interesting musical adventures of my (relatively) young life.
When I was a sophomore or Junior in High School, I did a private study of Jazz clarinet, this was in addition to my marching/pep/concert band work (we had 37 kids in band so we did all three).
It was fun, and a lot of the concepts have somehow crept into of all things my Aikido study (in an odd coincidence one of our visiting instructors is a Jazz afficando).
But I remember getting really into it; listening to jazz programs on the local NPR station, watching concerts on TV, etc.
To this day I'll still throw in a Miles Davis CD if I get in the right mood.
The Darkest Hour
Tomorrow, NASCAR begins another season with the annual Daytona 500. The best way to describe this even is imagine the Super Bowl being played opening day.
Now the growth of this uniquely American sport, and I do consider the drivers athletes; you try driving a 3200 pound at 170 miles per hour for 500 miles and deal with 42 other cars of like weight, traveling at the same speed, is a study in clever marketing and possibly a reaction to the overinflated egos of many of todays stars.
But this race will also mark the 5th anniversary of the tragic death of one of the sport's true superstars.
I can't help but wonder if the death of Dale Earnhardt Sr sparked many of the safety changes that the sport has seen since; walls that can absorb impacts, and a neck restraint system among them.
Of course, his spirit lives on even today, especially in his son. Dale Jr. seems to be fired up and showing a lot of the same fire that made his father such a feared competitor.
Also, much like the tracks these drivers race on, things have a way of coming "full circle". That, though, is for another day. . .
Valentine's Day--Solo
You know today should depress me--but it doesn't.
You would think that a 31-year old single guy would be.
But I realize that I do have family who love me, and that somewhere, there is someone who I hope is looking for me.
Now finding that person--another story. . .
Just in Time For Valentine's Day
I gotta say I'm not totally sure about this one. Comments welcome.
Your Five Variable Love Profile
Propensity for Monogamy:
Your propensity for monogamy is low.
You see love as a gift that you should give to many.
It's hard for you to imagine being with one person at at time...
Let alone one person for the rest of your life!
Experience Level:
Your experience level is low.
You've probably either had only one relationship..
Or all of your relationships have been very similar.
You still have a lot to learn... and a lot to try!
Your dominance is low.
This doesn't mean you're a doormat, just balanced.
You know a relationship is not about getting your way.
And you love to give your sweetie a lot of freedom.
Your cynicism is medium.
You'd like to believe in true and everlasting love...
But you've definitely been burned enough to know better.
You're still an optimist, but you also are a realist.
Your independence is low.
This doesn't mean you're dependent in relationships..
It does mean that you don't have any problem sharing your life.
In your opinion, the best part of being in love is being together
The Five Variable Love Test
I figured Him Or Beaker(MEEP!)
BTW: On "Muppet Babies" he was the computer whiz:)
You Are Scooter

Brainy and knowledgable, you are the perfect sidekick.
You're always willing to lend a helping hand.
In any big event or party, you're the one who keeps things going.
"15 seconds to showtime"!
The Muppet Personality Test